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Flask and Neo4j

An application powered by Flask and Neo4j.

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Flask and Neo4j by nicolewhite is drawn from Flask's tutorial on building a microblog application, which expands the microblog application to include social features made possible by using Neo4j instead of SQLite as the backend database.

Here I'd like to rebuild .NET+Neo4j Asset in Flask+Neo4j the similar way. In addition, as part of a training session, I'll rewrite the document in Chinese.

  1. 先决条件
  2. 虚拟环境
  3. 需要的包
  4. 项目结构
  5. 数据模型
  6. 用户注册
  7. 用户登录
  8. 添加资产
  9. 显示资产
  10. 用户登出
  11. 添加样式
  12. 运行应用
  13. 课后作业