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Flask and Neo4j

An application powered by Flask and Neo4j.

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主页(/ 视图)和用户页(/profile/<username> 视图)都将显示资产。主页显示最近添加的5件资产;用户页显示用户的全部资产。函数 get_recent_assets 获取最近添加的10件资产,方法 User.get_assets 获取用户的全部资产(实际不会有很多)。

def get_recent_assets():
    query = """
    MATCH (user:User)-[:OWNS]->(asset:Asset)<-[:APPLIES_TO]-(spec:Spec)
    RETURN user.username AS username, asset, COLLECT( AS specs
    ORDER BY asset.timestamp DESC LIMIT 10

    return graph.cypher.execute(query)
class User:


    def get_assets(self):
        query = """
        MATCH (user:User)-[:OWNS]->(asset:Asset)<-[:APPLIES_TO]-(spec:Spec)
        WHERE user.username = {username}
        RETURN asset, COLLECT( AS specs
        ORDER BY asset.asset_id DESC LIMIT 20
        # In general one user won't own many assets.
        # Limit for performance in case.
        return graph.cypher.execute(query, username=self.username)

Graph.cypher.execute() 的结果是 RecordList,其中每个元素都是 RecordRecord 可以通过属性或键访问。

index.html 模版和 profile.html 模版中均包含 display_assets.html 模版:

{% include "display_assets.html" %}

display_assets.html 如下,使用 include 就等同于直接插入代码:

  <ul class="assets">
  {% for row in assets %}
        <b>{{ }}</b>
        {% if request.path == "/" %}
        by <a href="{{ url_for('profile', username=row.username) }}">{{ row.username }}</a>
        {% endif %}
        with ID {{ row.asset.asset_id }}<br>
        <i>{{ ", ".join(row.specs) }}</i><br>
  {% else %}
    <li>There aren't any assets yet!
  {% endfor %}

if request.path == "/" 来检查是否位于主页。如果在主页上,显示资产所属用户名,因为最近添加的资产可能来自多个用户。否则,如果在用户页,无需显示用户名,正在访问的用户页即是。

Cypher 返回的集合,如 COLLECT(DISTINCT AS specs,在 Python 中作为 list 返回。模版中的一小段 Python 代码即可处理;如上述 ", ".join(row.specs) 将列表转换为逗号分隔的字符串。
